Sujit Sharma
@sujitsharma · 4:39

Ikigai : The Japanese Secret Of Long and Happy Life

The book is a perfect encapsulated blend of cultures, which is very practical as it has fully justified the epitome of a self help book. Ikigai as a whole provides a daily doses of how to embrace and opt in a healthier and happier way of life through discovering our individual ikigai with experiences, practices and tips for a sophisticated yet harmonious lifestyle

#swellcast #bookreview #bookreviewweek #books #secret #succesfullife

Manveen Kaur
@manveen · 0:09
Thanks for posting this book review. It has kind of motivated me to read this book, and it sounds great. And keep up the good work
Monika Dhawan
@Monicaa · 0:55
Hi Sajeed. Thank you for posting this, the review of this book. Iki guy. I definitely do have this book, and I did read it until chapter three. And I can vouch that this is a very good book if you're determined to complete it. Complete it and, you know, follow these things in our life
