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Ramya V
@Ramya · 1:05

'The Girl in the House' Author, Harshvardhan Rao talks about parapsychology, the occult & the fine art of writing a psychological thriller.

A bold young journalist, a couple of ambitious photographers who accompany her as she investigates a haunted house, setting off a chain of events that will fundamentally change their lives. This is the premise of author Harshvardhan Rao's latest psychological thriller, the Girl in the House, published by Srishti. The very atmospheric writing in the book manages to immerse readers in the chilling ambience of the haunted house and brings about a heightened sense of anticipation in the readers

#books #srishti #thriller #occult #paranormal #authorinterview #askanauthor

Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:45

1. Any interesting experiences / challenges you faced while writing the book? Did the story evolve in any unexpected ways during the writing process?

So Harsh, your book is a psychological thriller that dives deep into the world of parapsychology, occult practices and spirits. Are there any specific real life events, experiences, or paranormal phenomena that have influenced or inspired the idea for the book? And can you share any unique challenges or interesting experiences that you had while writing this book? Also, this being a psychological thriller, did the story evolve in any unexpected ways during the writing process?
Harshvardhna Rao
@Harshvardhanrao · 4:48


So, ah, it's, it's always, you know, author's responsibility to contain it and make it more realistic, more and make it more relatable to the, to the life, you know, to the, to the common life that people see around. So, yeah
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:36

2. Exploring writing in different genres.

While The Girl in the House is a psychological thriller with elements of horror. Your previous book, Born to Dream, is a story of one man's pursuit of success, his transformative journey and quest for justice. And you've also written a thriller set in the backdrop of life in the armed forces. What drives you to experiment with such different genres in your writing? And how do you decide which genre to explore for each new project?
Harshvardhna Rao
@Harshvardhanrao · 3:05


So, for example, if I if I thought to write certain books this year, then I keep on thinking about a lot of topics in my mind that probably it could be a thriller, it could be a horror, it could be an inspirational journey. So something that stays with my mind for a couple of days or a couple of months. So that is what I pick up as one of the topic. So same happened initially when I experimented with thriller, unfortunately it didn't went well
Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:09

3. Coming up with compelling characters that resonate with readers.

How do you approach the process of crafting, engaging and relatable characters that resonate with readers?
Harshvardhna Rao
@Harshvardhanrao · 2:57


You? Yes. So that's, again, a very interesting question. And I can frankly tell you it's very difficult to write certain characters that resonates with the reader because you have to understand different minds, different perspectives are looking at your book. They have a different view of reading a book and seeing what exactly or they might have certain intention when they pick certain books and try to search the topic, what they're looking for. So it's very difficult
Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:57

4. How has your journey to getting published been?

I think this brings me to my last question for you Harsh, but before that, I would like to thank you for being a part of this conversation and sharing your writing and publishing journey with the Swell community. It's been wonderful having you here and I hope to invite you back on more such interesting conversations around your writing. So, yeah, let me dive right into the final question for you. Could you share any insights into your publishing journey?
Harshvardhna Rao
@Harshvardhanrao · 4:59


So again, as I said, your first book is your learning more than connecting with the world? I would recommend that it's just a learning. So I take it that way and I learned a lot. So then I learned that how to concise my thoughts in couple of lines, couple of one or two paragraph at max
