Srija Sadhukhan
@Srijasadhukhan · 1:05

In this world of trust issues let's ignore the bad side and focus on love where we both will reside. Just You and I to cherish our love together.

Today's poem title leads you and I love needs patience and contribution so our relation stated as love suddenly as a strangers we met didn't know that we will stay together forever we both had belief in each other. Promised not to leave each other. You said trust me and I'll do it whatever it takes to have you for each and every morning whom I loved more than anyone, it's you whom my heart finds like this mistake forever

#swellcast #poetsofswell #love #forever #collegevoiceindia #swellcast #poetsofswell #srijasadhukhan

Disha Agarwal
@disha_aga05 · 1:08

Love truly stands the test of time #DishTales #poetry #love #swellcastindia

That is something which I'm really looking forward, because I hope to find something like that in my life ahead. So thank you for your swell and I really enjoyed it. My name is dashabaizawe, and I'm a 17 year old student from mumbai. Thank you
