Spotlight: NO LIMITS! Discussing Art & Life with Ylfa Edelstein

We're going to focus in today on sort of the limitless ideas of artists, how one artist can be in their space of their studio and say, this is what I'm doing today. And then the next day they're doing something different

Actor / painter / musician #Iceland #NYC #yoga @YlfaEdelstein

Ylfa Edelstein
@YlfaEdelstein · 4:40
And those sounds of nature are what brings me a tremendous amount of peace and serenity. I love the idea of us as artists being limitless and that it's expanding disciplines and that we are on this continual journey to learn and grow as human beings, as artists, and that other things can come in as forms that inspire us and teach us about expression and creativity. In this time of the pandemic

Permission to try...

I'm just laughing at that last sentence. I'm expanding my limits more into the limitless. I have to just sit on that for a second. It's great. So beautiful to hear your voice
Ylfa Edelstein
@YlfaEdelstein · 4:54
And maybe that has to do with dealing with people that are difficult. I've had to learn a lot about that as well. So it can be both. It can be a very mushy, loving, encouraging environment environment that allows me to grow and leap and bounce. And it can be a very scary environment where I have to overcome my fears

Picking up the script

Tell me a little bit about what it felt like to put down the violin sort of metaphor. I know you never did literally, but you didn't go into become a world class. Maybe you are world class, but you didn't take that on as the thing you wanted to study when you got to New York and you wanted to study acting. So tell me about that moment when you metaphorically put down the violin and picked up the script
Ylfa Edelstein
@YlfaEdelstein · 4:57
Understandably, because I have, like, 30 years from when more than 30 years from when I left, and I had to go through a lot of growing and learning and discovering, and some of that was very difficult. So yeah, classical musicians have to be perfectionists if they want to get anywhere with their craft. And even though I was on the track to be that, and I felt an unspoken sense of I should be that. And that was what was wished for me

Landing ... home and the Series on Amazon

She has not lived with her husband for some time, and she wanted him back. But there was also this layer of absolute isolation that no moment could break through until he got healthy and it affected the way you were for him? And it was a cycle of isolation that I felt in this piece. So can you speak a little bit to your role in that movie and the choices you made and sort of help us know why you chose it and your experience and link to the movie right here
Ylfa Edelstein
@YlfaEdelstein · 5:00
And we filmed that a couple of years ago, and that is the kind of role which I feel my emotional makeup and grid has prepared me to play. I'm really attracted to the subtle and the deep and the intricate and roles that depict human beings going through heartbreak and suffering and inspiration and love and connection. And that's one of the reasons I did this role. Like the main reason I did this role Infinite potential #quantumphysics #joy 🙃

And I know that sounds like a lot of other movies that are out there, like The Secret and what the belief do we know and all those other films. And I love them, too, for their own reasons. But I love this because it was such a biopic. Also, this one man and sort of his beautiful, tortured life and his conversations with Christian Erti and what that yielded for the Society for Tyler Morrion. Now we're going to always know how those guys vibe together
Ylfa Edelstein
@YlfaEdelstein · 5:00
Suppose we were able to share meanings freely without a compulsive urge to impose our view or conform to those of others, and without distortion and self deception. Would this not constitute a real revolution and culture? So I don't think it's an accident that the documentary about him Infinite Potential, which is being released right now for everyone to see for free, which is amazing. It was made by the Fetzer Memorial Trust, and I just encourage everyone to watch that film
Ylfa Edelstein
@YlfaEdelstein · 0:34
Got cut off there a little bit at the end. But yes, many, many resources to explore in our infinite potentials of being the human beings. We are as a whole, as society, as artists and as a community, helping each other heal whatever needs to be healed. So thank you, Deborah, for this conversation. And I had such a great time. And I hope we can do some more

OPEN to all and a Q about #place #setting #story 🌱🙏

And I'm just wondering, since you have lived in different places, you've experienced Iceland, Germany, Los Angeles, New York. Can you speak to how these different places are settings in your life and how they utilize draw upon them to inspire you and do your work. I'm just always fascinated about where we land and where we are and how that affects who we are
Ylfa Edelstein
@YlfaEdelstein · 2:11

#creativity #poetry #songs #music #newyork #conversation #gratitude

I've written songs about the black. I wrote a song about the Black Forest. I wrote a song about New York and 911 and my love, Pat Brown, that died that day. I write a lot of poetry about different places. I have a lot of poems about Iceland and childhood. I have poems about New York, about how much I love New York. Interestingly enough, I don't have a lot of poetry about Los Angeles, but I love Los Angeles as well
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:26

Well, that was like a sprinkle of rain. We need rain. That was beautiful. I'm responding from my own personal Swell channel now because it's well cast channel, because I can do that as this is an open panel. It's so nice to do the switch from voice to song. It's almost like the next course. In a way. It's like, okay, here's the thing. And then the little amuse boost. And then now is the little appetizer
Ylfa Edelstein
@YlfaEdelstein · 3:16
And we must create we must try and change this world to be more loving, compassionate, and heal everyone that is going through what they're going through. There's a lot of hopelessness. I'm underneath that. But there are a lot of people doing a lot of wonderful work also
Art Science Wonder
@Hedy_Lamarr · 2:00

A Cricket Tune?

Can you hear them? They're crickets. They're my favorite sound because they remind me of the outdoors of my Grandpa's house in the summer and playing around the porch. And I also have a really fun story with crickets. One time I was in a park hiking and I had my ipad with me, and I happened to decide to sit on a rock and pull it out and start playing and fiddling around with the keyboard on there
