Alisa Gafeney
@Soul-Essentials · 1:16

The power of permission

The power of permission. Inhale and take a nice deep breath through your nose. Allowing your belly to feel exhale and release everything out. Dropping your shoulders, relaxing your face and relaxing your jaw. Allowing yourself to just be it's. Embracing things as they are and giving yourself the okay to accept this moment. Knowing that this moment is all that you have and that you are doing your absolute best no matter what that looks like. Releasing the pressure of an outcome

- give yourself permission to be who you are, just as you are. #swellSunday #swellsundays #permission #heal

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:25
Oh, that's really nice. I've been working for the past hour and just following along with your instructions of relaxing those muscles. That felt really nice. I give myself permission to work hard, but certainly not to let my body sit in a way that's more natural to it. So this was a very good reminder. Thank you
Alisa Gafeney
@Soul-Essentials · 0:30

@r.o #permission

I'm so glad that that reminder resonated with you, but I would like you to just shift that awareness a little bit to more of a self care aspect and say that you give yourself permission to take breaks while you're working hard. Let me know how that feels for you. Um, have a good one and don't work too hard. And remember to take your breaks blessings
