Romita Sahni
@Solicitoussoul · 0:48

Neither Monk nor Monster

You. She is neither the monk nor the monster, basking in the glory of a self built harmony, rejoicing every minute in the depth of her thoughts still being her usual selves, immersed in the depiction of the characters of the book she is reading unstirred by the numerous glitzy pictures on social media India. She believes in her ideologies and her values remain intact. She doesn't let the outer chaos disturb her inner peace but don't be mistaken she's neither tongue tied nor indulges in any public uproar

#monk #monster #dailyquotes #writerslife #keepwriting #powerfulwoman #strongwoman #keepwriting #spilledthoughts #wordsofwisdom

The Bookbot Theory
@Bookbot · 0:23


Hi. This is such a powerful poem. I loved the ending and the twist that actually came with it. I wasn't expecting that. And it actually makes the whole thing much more powerful with that ending. Amazing. Loved it
Romita Sahni
@Solicitoussoul · 0:11


Hi bookbot. Thank you for your appreciation and this means a lot to me. And I'm too new to swell. Just trying this new app
