Sitara Pillai
@sits_p · 2:30

Book Review: Strangers to Ourselves

What a poignant statement, because people battling with mental illnesses are trying to understand themselves within the framework of psychiatric explanations or theories and the sociocultural narratives of mental health. In trying to fit into the box, we often overlook the fact that only one's own story will make any kind of sense to oneself, if at all. So trying to model our battle with mental health issues on the lines of someone else's story is a futile exercise

#bookreview #strangerstoourselves #rachelaviv #bookreviewweek #mentalhealth

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 1:15


Hi. I have always had an affinity towards narratives which have been narrated by or in the form of personal letters exchanged between different characters or interviews or journal entries. Because like you said, they somehow it feels like they are giving you a sneak peek into the characters psyche in a very intimate way. You get to know the character
