Shweta Chaudhri
@Shwetachaudhri · 0:22

Shweta Chaudhri 🌸💕

Hi, guys. So this is Shweta chaudhri. I'm a student at NI F T, Mumbai. So I'm a big foodie. I love to dance, I love to read. And I'm a big tattoo fan. So I'm a Swifty as well. And that's all about me. I'm in the final year of my college and looking forward to swell

#aboutmyself #foodie #swiftie #student

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 1:12
I vibe with it, and I love her as a human being. I think she's really an inspiration, just the way she handles life. I think that's really something that especially us women can look up to. And since you're in your last year of college, I would like to know how college life is for you and what you're looking forward to. And, yeah, that's it. Welcome once again
Shweta Chaudhri
@Shwetachaudhri · 0:52


And you're right, she's an inspiration and I can't wait for her new album, so yeah, that's about that. And it's my last year of college, so I'm concentrating on that and looking forward to different internships and part time work to add on to my CV. And I'm planning to go abroad next year for March pastors, so yeah, that's about that. I would like to know more about you. Yeah. Nice talking to you
Vineeth Vincent
@VineethVincent · 0:28
Hey, schwether. Welcome to swell. I think Taylor Swift is or has amazing production value. She's an interesting musician. She has a very interesting take on feminism. I think she's a voice to be reckoned with, and I think there's a lot to learn from someone like her. So, yeah, I think you and I see eye to eye on a few things. Once again, welcome to swell
