Shelly Meyer
@shellym4real · 4:23

High white blocs cell count

I mean, I have all kinds of other chronic illnesses that I intend to discuss throughout this little podcast of mine. But if you are listening and you have any suggestions, any input, if you're going through it, please reach out to me and let me know. I would love to figure out myself what. Why this is happening again. It could be because I have Crohn's. It could be because I have chronic kidney disease. It could be because of anything else. Prediabetes

#chronicillness #highwbc

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 3:23
Hey Shelley, thanks for sharing your experience. I wish I knew the answers, but I do find the story fascinating, and the correlation with the premenopause and gallbladder removal is also fascinating to me. The human body is so wild, right? And so many things change and really shift in such a short amount of time that can lead to these really dramatic and drastic results and readings. I think it's cool that you have a doctor's opinion on standby and that you've consulted with them
