LaShekia Chatman
@Sheika_MC · 1:05

The most unusual thing I have ever eaten...

Hey, swell family. So, the most unusual thing I've ever eaten. And would I eat it again? Probably chitlins. Not chitterlings. Chitlins. And as I so fondly call them now, like someone on instagram said, booty noodles. Never be on my plate ever, ever, ever again. I've eaten the feet of three different animals. I happen to really love chicken foot soup and cow foot soup. I've eaten tongue and hated it. I've eaten liver. Hated it

#TheSwellQuestionnaire #spptsqp2 #TellYourStory

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:33
Yeah. I mean, I've never tried shitlins, but. Yeah, it would take a lot for me to try it. It's a very brave bold that you did. Yeah. In general, I think I haven't really tried many organs. Yeah, it's kind of fascinating. I can imagine that. I also wouldn't really like tongue, but. Yeah. I don't know. It's also kind of cool that. That you can say that you've tried it
