Shanti Shaharazade
@shantishahara · 5:00

Happy for you but selfishly sad for me

I look for answers and source and I know I wouldn't be the woman I am today without her having been my mother. People think they know what missing someone feels like or pain. Until it's your mom, it goes. She seems immortal to me and she is just not in this realm. I miss you, mommy. Thank you for being my mother. I love you. You will never be for

#grief #pain #gratitude #inhonorof

@yyterrty · 0:06
And the Sunday no
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 0:17
Hello. My condolences to you. And may God bring you comfort and support community peace during your continuum of grief
Shanti Shaharazade
@shantishahara · 0:28


You. Thank you so much. I appreciate that. It's funny how people think that I'm over it. I don't know that I'll ever be over this. I guess I just learned to live around it. So thank you so much. I'm super and Uber grateful for your listen and for your reply. Bye. Blessings, goddess
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:14
So I'm with my niece and I'm checking in with her because she lost her mom and it was just the two of them. And so I'm there for her as auntie, as I've always been since the day she was born. But I'll never be her mom. And so I always tell her, you're never going to forget your mom or you're never going to get over it, so you don't have to
Shanti Shaharazade
@shantishahara · 4:59


I was always to this. Too loud, too expressive, too many questions to this, to that. I was always to everything. I was the black sheep of the family for sure. And I'm okay with that, too. But to know. I knew at that moment, her soul crushed. I knew it. There was no other explanation for that kind of love, acceptance and understanding. And the veils are really thin right now
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:16


But I'm looking at him and I said to myself, he's gone. I said, he's gone. I mean, I talked to him as if he could hear me because they say hearing is the last thing to go. I prayed out loud over him, but I'm looking at him and I'm like, he's not there. And so I didn't see him at Thanksgiving because he was out of it
Shanti Shaharazade
@shantishahara · 4:53


And when my aunt died in 2012 of suicide, I looked at all the kids in the funeral home, the kids that were there, and I was like, I got to do something about this personally. Like, it hit my heart. And I was so determined to clean up the lineage because epigenetics shows us that trauma, as well as healing, is transmuted. Trans. Why did I brain fart again?
Shanti Shaharazade
@shantishahara · 1:56


And I think I'm greedy because I want her here, and I know that she's happier there, knowing her mother now in all the ways she wanted to. You know what I mean? But I'm sorry that you lost your siblings, and I wanted to tell you that. And I hope you have a magnificent evening, and I thank you for this. It's helped me today, and I thank everybody who took the time out to respond because it helped me. It really did
