Shamaja Brown
@shamajab · 3:55

May is Mental Health Awareness Month ( its been rough)

I don't know, I guess deal with or I hadn't had to deal with in a long time. I don't really want to ramble on, but I am in therapy. I've been in and out of therapy a long time most of my life, so who knows what go around. This is really I lost count and I've actually used a lot of apps similar to this, so I'm always kind of looking for extra support outside of my therapy sessions

#anxiety #depression #bipolardisorderII #narcissism #breakups #heartbreak #lettinggo #toxicrelationships #traumabonds #lonliness #beingalone

J Wang
@jsmwang · 2:09

@NiquaJ @Aussie97

Hey, thanks for leaving this. Well, I can definitely relate in so many ways, and I hear you. It's really tough to be feeling so alone and feeling like there's not many people that you can talk to that you're dealing with so many emotions and have nowhere to put them. And yeah, it sounds like you're going through a lot in terms of the breakup and feeling very alone. Yeah
David Randolph
@Davelee32 · 3:12


I know you said you don't have anyone far as in your family, but I pray that he will either connect you with a friend, find someone that's near you that can encourage you and power you in what you're going through. God is able to do exceedingly abundantly. And above all, we can ask or think. And my prayer is that he will give you that peace that is the best of all understanding. Like the word
