Seng Phengdouangdeth
@sengri_la · 2:47

Question of the Day: What do you miss the most about being a child?

But I feel like for the most part, you don't really have enough time. And the other thing is, I remember being a child, and when getting older, seemed so far away, and it felt like a good thing, because you're like, oh, it'll be a while. I can be a kid for a while. Now if you look behind you. I'm coming up

#questionoftheday #askswell

Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 1:08
We trying to outnumber who visit each other the most because we lived around the corner from each other, spending time with my grandparents and my grandfather, cooking me my favorite breakfast, which was cheese grits, cheddar cheese, running out the ying ying with eggs and just being in their presence. That's what I miss most. So thanks for the question
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:37
And much like you said, the time does go by very fast. Just for reference, I looked up a song yesterday by Paula Abdul, and depending how old you are, you may not even know who Paula Abdul is, but I was guessing. I think her song debuted in like 1989. And I did a Google search and it debuted in 1988. And I'm like, whoa. I was eleven years old. And I'm telling you, it seems like yesterday
simmonette M
@thinkingoutloud · 2:17

#childhood #play #fun #memories

You let me give my intake. My childhood was, like, pretty much like yours. I really do miss being outside. I really do miss having neighbors that loving and caring. I really do miss, like, I can't be able, if run out, say, like, I run out of flour, I can go to my neighbor, do you have any flour? Or if my neighbor run out of sugar, she can come and say, do you have any sugar?
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:47

I miss spending time with my brother and my sister’s. Life has taken a separate ways. We still love each other. We just don’t spend a lot of time

And the most thing that I miss about childhood is being with them and singing with them. Yes. I wish they knew what I was saying right now. But, I mean, they're not dead, they're just busy. So anyway, that's what I miss the most. Just being with my brother and my sisters
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:15
Hi. You brought up a wonderful question, actually. What do you miss the most? Being a child. So, for me, what I understood now is and what I miss the most about my childhood is the days and the time. Because when you are a child, you have abundant of time, you can do multiple things and you can enjoy and explore a lot. There are are no restrictions, there are no timelines, there are no deadlines
