When society fails...

Which I can't wrap my head around. But the way that I see this is instead that society has lost the understanding of shades of gray, of complexity and nuance. And so the CDC has to make up for that in some way so that there is some sort of understanding. It's like if we have not internalized morality then the government has to put into place laws in order for us to have a functioning society

#language #responsibility #government #society #vaccines

Binati Sheth
@Binati_ShethΒ Β·Β 5:00


Whoever needs my vote in my constituency gets my vote and whoever's working the most for the constituents, that person gets the vote, right? Just because I'm choosing to not breathe in. People assume so many things without knowing the context of the mask because it's a very simple thing that got criticized. Immunity is one of those words


It's one of those things that when you meet with people, there are certain topics you avoid, like religion, politics, and I forget anyway, obviously, I don't remember those things very well, don't poll them very well, or I would remember. But anyway, I thought I was meeting somebody in the middle. I thought I was bridging communication, and instead I was using my bias up against their bias, and we were just perpetuating miscommunication. How wild
Binati Sheth
@Binati_ShethΒ Β·Β 2:59


I think this happens to everyone at some point where you realize, okay, because it's complicated these things. And I think the gift of troll Elon Musk is going to be this. I optimistically want to believe that to be the case because of some of these incredibly ludicrous things that are happening on one of the biggest communication channels on the world right now, which is Twitter


Not that I deleted my latest comment to her, so it didn't go anywhere but I went through the thought process of thinking of do I say anything in response to this? Do I not? And then attempting to do it from a place of this is how I look at it. And sort of attempting to offer, as I said, the shades of gray or a different perspective. I don't know, I'm sort of rambling, but I don't know where I'm going
J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuΒ Β·Β 4:54
But I say all that to say that's where I'm at now. That conversation was the seed. And it carried forward throughout my nursing career to really believe in the use of herbals and minerals and all things from the earth as the first step versus looking into Big Pharma as the answer


They definitely have more information about certain things than I do, but if I left my health up to doctor, how many times have they sent me home, oh, you're fine, or, you'll just have to deal with this, or we don't know what that is. Anyway, over the last few years, I've been having some intense symptoms, from heart palpitations to pins and needles throughout my body, not just my limbs
J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuΒ Β·Β 4:41


Ask. It was like the doctor site that you can go on to and kind of plug in your symptoms and it would kind of give you probabilities of what your ailment is. I forgot what it ask? MD I think is what it was. Or ask something. But anyway, so I get on that website and I'm putting in like, okay, so it's not STD, it's not yeast, because I've already tested out for that. It's not bacterial vaginosis


I took in a Harvard study about a medication had been on and said, this is why I want to get off of it. And he's like, oh, wow, I hadn't seen this. Yeah, let's get you off that medication. And I was like, thank you. Somebody who listens. But anyway, yes, thank you. It's nice to vent sometimes about these things
LG -
@LG90Β Β·Β 1:27
I think it ultimately boils down to what are your values and how do you want to tackle a situation. Because honestly, no matter what the rulebook is or what the law is, when it goes into this territory of complexities and nuances, regardless of what the law says, you're going to have some people who disagree, right? Right. Or many people who disagree. Now what are they going to do?
Sreeja V
@WordsmithΒ Β·Β 1:43
And I hope that we will be able to tackle this in a much, much better way than how it was in the earlier phases, for sure, and we are able to make sure that more lives aren't affected. But really, hats off to you for taking up this very derogate but very important topic and loved listening to all the views shared here, including so thank you for this post
