Return of the #UglySelfie double-dog-dare!

And so I had one pair of glasses on to do that. But then occasionally I would look up and want to watch the television. And so I pulled out an old pair of glasses that allowed me to see distance. I created my own bifocals. Yes, my own bifocals. And I thought, as I continued to look up and down with these different glasses, how ridiculous I must look. So I stuffed a photo

#uglyselfie #vulnerability #humanness #beautyintheimperfect #silliness

J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuΒ Β·Β 1:46
Hey, Christina, it's me. You know, I am all of the way here for it. And so my son has this thing. I just called him and said, hey, send me some more photos because I don't have as many in my phone as you do in your phone. But he has this thing where he likes to go real close to you with his camera on his phone, real close to you


I love that he's sort of this drive by photo capturing ninja, like, zoom in, capture the shot, and he's off. And I love that he knew exactly what you were going to do with it. Oh, my goodness. That's too funny. And I love that you decided to replicate that partly for the back story. And you know what? You're describing these other things that I didn't even see. Your beautiful eye right there
Dewuan .
@FryedOreoΒ Β·Β 0:36
As I recall, last time I didn't get as ugly as I wanted to. So I thought I'd go full beast mode today for the sequel. You got to go bigger and better, and I have a bigger budget now to do as such. And by budget, I mean silliness. Loads of silly silliness is in this photo and a little horrifying as well as my eyes usually are towards nighttime. Enjoy
J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuΒ Β·Β 2:17


Let me tell you, it is the most comical it's the most comical thing ever, because my son I swear, I swear I remember what you said about your beliefs about spirituality and religion


And did you deliver Dewuan? I'm loving this. Like the angle of it, the reaching for the camera and the upside down perspective. Your teeth bared. It definitely gives you that vibe of a beast and then it sort of accentuates and makes things so much more different when it's at these different angles and upside down. I am loving this Dewuan. And you so delivered. I'd clap if I could use both hands at the moment. Bravo


Oh, JL. I love this. He doesn't sound like me either, but he sounds like somebody that would be so much fun to be around. The joy that you witness in watching him and the love that you have for him is contagious. And just to think about watching him interacting not only with you or with others and things in the world and his things that he finds fascinating. And he sounds amazing. He sounds amazing. I love this. Thank you so much for Sherry
Wren .
@aBirdieOnaWireΒ Β·Β 0:47
I guess because it shows an aspect of me that shows a real issue that I have to deal with as a trans woman. And I suspect that must cause a little cognitive distance with people. Anyway, here's my submission to ugly selfie, too


This is such a great photo and such an important one too. I'm embarrassed to say I didn't think about it until now, but we hear people talk about being annoyed to have to shave their faces or have to shave their legs. But when you're a trans woman, specifically, you got it all to do. And it's like, God, it will be nice when some of these things are not important to society anymore
Wren .
@aBirdieOnaWireΒ Β·Β 2:44


I don't drink anymore. And it wasn't like really by choice or anything when COVID Lockdowns happened, we couldn't really buy alcohol. And so I think I had a six pack of beer that I nursed for about two months or so, just savoring every little sip. And after it was gone, that was it, it was done. And I thought, well, I've gotten this long without it because we don't need to waste the money on it


And at the time, I was like, what is she talking about? Because just as you're talking about the things that you see, I felt the same way. I was looking in the mirror, and I'm like, what is she saying that I'm not? But it's so funny that we see our own imperfection more than anybody else does. Yeah. But maybe there is something to the hormones and the fountain of youth for those who are interested. Just wow. Woman


Oh, my goodness. And happy early birthday
