If our 🌿 are green because our 🌞 is 🟒... πŸ€”

And so then I'm thinking, okay, well, if we can understand these things about our star and about our planet, and we can sort of extrapolate some of these things and push them out there, then maybe, just maybe, it's possible that on some other planet elsewhere, they could end up with plants that look completely different sky that's a completely different color

NASA article on the colour of the sun: https://s.swell.life/STk4rb4dRWNXwDz #whatif #PlumbPlays #space #science #plants #MultiplePhotos


In this day and age, we talk about everything being optimized. We even want to optimize human behavior and think that everything in nature is even optimized. But that is not the case. They have found that the process of photosynthesis for the stability of the plant has to be imperfect. Otherwise the plant dies. So in order to thrive, photosynthesis has to be imperfect. It cannot be optimized. That blew my mind


And here is the link to the clubhouse asynchronous chat on the same topic. Theoretically, if you click on it, it should take you to either a web page where you can listen to it if you don't have the clubhouse app, and if you do, then it should open the app for you to listen. Lots of interesting tidbits in there with people talking from different perspectives and backgrounds and expertise and just really cool
