Search Results

Should Religious institutions continue to be exempt from Federal laws?

Leanne Pritchett


Should Religious institutions continue to be exempt from Federal laws?

The Hummingbird Memory Cafe Story

Nicolette McDermott-Ketchum


The Hummingbird Memory Cafe Story

I don’t like being forced to use my pronouns

Angela Kaye


I don’t like being forced to use my pronouns

Soul Talks ~ Humanity Speaks with Disha #soundhealing #speakingbuddha #spiritualmonk #wellnesslotus #vivekpadalia

Speaking Buddha


Is Including Disabled People a "Pity Invite"? How Far Should Inclusion Go? I Want Your Opinion!

Jennifer Ann


Is Including Disabled People a "Pity Invite"? How Far Should Inclusion Go? I Want Your Opinion!

LONGING TO BELONG | Introduction  & Quote

Mental Wellness Stories


LONGING TO BELONG | Introduction & Quote

#VoiceYourOpinion|GOOGLE lays off THOUSANDS of employees , Their focus is on AI!

Evelyn Phipps


#VoiceYourOpinion | GOOGLE lays off THOUSANDS of employees , Their focus is on AI!

The Importance of teaching Sex Education to the Special Needs Population

Leanne Pritchett


The Importance of teaching Sex Education to the Special Needs Population

Why is term "Cisgender" a Trigger for Some People?

Liam A


Why is term "Cisgender" a Trigger for Some People?

Addressing Bias in LinkedIn’s Algorithm

Liam A


Addressing Bias in LinkedIn’s Algorithm

Exposing Corporations’ False Inclusivity

Liam A


Exposing Corporations’ False Inclusivity

Embracing Hybrid Meetings: Fostering Inclusion in the Digital Age

Sunayana "Sun" Pandé


Embracing Hybrid Meetings: Fostering Inclusion in the Digital Age

Ableism in modern day leaders, and the need for inclusive practices

Sunayana "Sun" Pandé


Ableism in modern day leaders, and the need for inclusive practices

Cerebral Palsy, a personal experience, part 2

Leanne Pritchett


Cerebral Palsy, a personal experience, part 2

Diminished attention, spans? Or desire for better stories?

Bob Hutchins


Diminished attention, spans? Or desire for better stories?

Let's Talk About It: Evolving from Violent Language- What have you learned about the power of words?

Annalyzed Perspectives


Let's Talk About It: Evolving from Violent Language- What have you learned about the power of words?

The Disappointment of Black Travel

Nikki Lee


The Disappointment of Black Travel

We want WANS to be global!

Women and Non Binary in STEM


We want WANS to be global!

Juliana Loh Is Making History in VR

Bowie Rowan


Juliana Loh Is Making History in VR

Think tank aims to capture differing points of view as well as create a friendly atmosphere to discuss topics which might be ‘unfriendly’.


Think tank aims to capture differing points of view as well as create a friendly atmosphere to discuss topics which might be ‘unfriendly’.