Is Including Disabled People a "Pity Invite"? How Far Should Inclusion Go? I Want Your Opinion!

So I responded to that in particular, and I said, also, I'm also disabled and in a wheelchair, although mine hasn't been lifelong. However, I have other medical problems that have led others to deem me as weird. From a very young age, I got bullied and excluded heavily. I agree that relationships shouldn't be based on pity, but isn't that the point of what you were saying about teaching people that everyone struggles with stuff?

#inclusion #disability #social #psychology #wellbeing #disabilityawareness

Jennifer Ann
@ApocalypsePuppy · 4:55

#part2 #disability #social #psychology #disabilityawareness #inclusion

I personally, that caught me off guard, thinking that anytime someone invites someone who's disabled to anything, that must be out of pity. That really caught me off guard. That's all I can say. So many normal people, this is continuing my comment, many normal people view disabilities, view it as different, which then, hold on, I lost my place. I'm going to try to find it
Jennifer Ann
@ApocalypsePuppy · 4:55

#part3 #disability #disability #disabilityawareness #inclusion #psychology #social

But I would never make light of these or make them seem like they are less than a condition that puts someone in a wheelchair. So, that being said, I wanted to touch on that as well
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

@ApocalypsePuppy (...maybe they're not there, yet - able to reframe.)

But she had no way of knowing that if she's not going to ask questions, and I can't entirely fault her because not only is the DSM a stereotype, but that stereotype is perpetuated through culture, right? And so she would have no way of even thinking to ask those questions. But again, if it was me, I would want to tell my daughter if she's got to do all the girls or the entire class, but she can't exclude Trevor
Jeremiah Myer
@Jeremiah73 · 5:00
Maybe it's only men and only men who support the same football team that you do, or that sort of thing. I, on the other hand, believe that the tapestry is what covers our nakedness and our bumps and bruises that life gives us. And so I want my tapestry to be as full and as big and as warm as possible. And so I like to invite people of all situations and certainly of all colors and aspects of life. I am reminded of one fellow who's passed now