Sean GTR Harrold
@SeanGTRHarrold · 5:00

Jesus Freaks:On Trial for Sharing the Gospel (P.56)

Praise God for the prayers of faithful believers around the world. Continue to pray for her protection as she begins, and she remains in hiding to this day. I have seen the world, Anila said, and it has nothing good. Jesus is my only place. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of other similar stories that are never told of christian children and teens being killed by their muslim parents. Jesus said this would happen

Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:03


You know, Sean, you're really like the first person I interacted with on this app. You were just reading scripture and it really fired me up. It really got me excited. And boy, have I been places since that moment in spacetime. And I'm back to a place in my life where I'm struggling. And here you are again, picking me up. That's the power of Christ. That's the strength of Christ
Sean GTR Harrold
@SeanGTRHarrold · 2:22


It's all about him. It's not about me. So everybody get your praise on. Let Christ do his thing. All you believers out there appreciate you listening. Peace, my brother. And my motto as always, stay blessed in spite of the rest, y'all. Peace
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 0:31


Yeah, I had to hop off here for a minute because I got a little testy, but I'm back. You have to tell me what the. About the other app you're talking about so I can go check it out. Also. Yeah, I found a really inspirational sermon that I think you would like. I put a link in the description here. It talks about the pastor that's giving the sermon. Incredible. And I think you'd love it
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:59

And they asked me to come on. So I came in for the last half and it's pretty funny because it's a good, like, we had a great conversation. Everybody that was watching it loved it. But of course, someone in the comments was like, we came here to read scripture. What are they talking about? And people were going insane. It stressed people out. And then I had to leave. I had to bail. But then everything calms down there
Sean GTR Harrold
@SeanGTRHarrold · 4:59


I won't say it's crap, but me and my wife, we tend to binge watch some of our favorite shows from the past in our spare time when we're trying to wind down before we go to sleep. But those two alone, that's something I look forward to now in my spare time along with you still got to have fun sometime. I'm not saying that kind of fun, but you got to laugh. Everybody's got to laugh once in a while
Sean GTR Harrold
@SeanGTRHarrold · 4:13


And it kind of stifled me a little bit in a way, but it didn't stop me from growing myself. But like I said, I had a lot of distractions during some of those years. And like I said, in 2024, spiritual awakening, my spiritual awakening is in full effect. I can't stop it, and I don't want to stop it. I just want to keep going with it and keep pushing forward with acknowledging my salvation for everyone and for myself
Sean GTR Harrold
@SeanGTRHarrold · 4:53


I've been dabbling with social audio in my spare time since September 2022. And it started with me on Twitter spaces, which I only now only follow a couple of people there, too, because everybody kind of fell off when Elon Musk took over everything, or they became less active with it, or they moved on to other platforms, like discord and clubhouse and all the other crap. I was like, no, I ain't going through all that. I won't do that
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 0:51


I definitely appreciate that you're out there and you're spreading the word of something you believe in and you're grabbing it very passionately and going for it. So cool, man. Good for you. So, anyway, just good to see you back. Apologies if I don't reply to every post and everything. My life is so damn crazy right now, but whose isn't? So, anyway, again, just good to see you back and wishing you well. Bye
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:11


All right, Miss Leanne. I'm at the point where I'm taking guests. When do you want to talk to me also, Sean, when do you guys want to go on the Rooster Collins show? I'm ready to go. I got some business this afternoon, but then for the next couple of days, I'm going to be taking guests and producing the actual show. I would love to have you on, Miss Leanne, and probably the timing show and, and all the swellcasters
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 0:32


Okay, Mr. Collins. Rooster. So I'm reaching out now. I'll dm you because not everyone should hear this, but, yeah, I'm totally up for being a guest on your show. No problem. I have CPR training this week, but Friday's looking pretty good. Actually, I don't think. I have a hell of a lot planned, as far as I know, during the day. So I will dm you
