zeeshan sarah
@Sarah_Maseeh03 · 4:46

#Values matters or career?

Ideologies and how to make our students a better human being who serve for society and to make a constructive society. But, ah, more I am exploring the system, the more I am getting very upset about the system of the university. Because a teacher is a person who makes every professional, you know, things, who who give students values, who give them motivation to become what they want either engineer, either doctor or something, artist, anything what they want
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 2:33
We set up certain systems and processes that are based on archaic rules, regulations, right? And instead of honoring merit, we encourage mediocrity. And it's very sad, and it does bleed my heart. But I also want to tell you that the onus of imparting values doesn't lie on a teacher's shoulders alone. It starts from home, right? It's about upbringing
zeeshan sarah
@Sarah_Maseeh03 · 3:14


Um yeah, I totally agree with you and this is actually everyone's responsibility. It's about parenting, it's about teaching, it's about how society behaves with fellow people they live with in every matter about education, about, you know, everything. So it's not only teacher's responsibility but what teacher has a responsibility they should do in a better way, in a better manner
