sanjay mittal
@Sanjay_mittal · 4:27

Balancing equations of life. How to Always be cool and in control of anger

Hi. Now I am on my second swell on managing the equations of life and how to balance them out. Okay, I'll take up a topic which has been raised here many times before. And this is how to balance your anger and your coolness. How to remain cool under the most provocative situation of how to control your anger or channelize it positively looks big. It's easy. And I discovered it myself. I made a full technique on it and maybe you could try it out

#equations #life #cool #anger #mangement #positive

Kadambari Gupta
@kadambarigupta · 0:33
A very good afternoon to you, Sanjay sir. I am Kadambari Gupta. And I just heard you as well. I think it was a very relevant topic on balancing equations and our anger, you know, anger is so difficult to manage and at times we hurt our own loved ones because we are angry and you know, we spoil our own health. So thank you for this well and for all the relevant points that you have spoken about. Take care. Best wishes to you
sanjay mittal
@Sanjay_mittal · 0:28


Thank you Kadambari, for the comment. Yes, we need to balance our anger and make the best of the situation wherever we are caught up. Right, I look forward to further replies from you and of course more poetry from you and I will keep posting on balancing equations of life further on and keep looking forward to to commence from you. Thank you
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopal · 0:40
A very good self for anger management, sir. In fact, I would say like I needed it most because these are very tiring days. I think. It's not just for me but for everyone around. The situation has not been easy thanks to COVID and lot of other things that are happening which are not in our control is testing our patients and of course anger is a manifestation of all those frustrations
sanjay mittal
@Sanjay_mittal · 0:43


You. Thank you, mira. Always look forward to your comments and please do try this technique. It'll work. We can do it in more detail and in case you can spread the message around, it'll surely help people. The idea is you need a cooler world today. We are all stressed out so in case we can just be a little cool and in role, we would be happier and also performing our work more efficiently and leading a healthier life. That's the idea
