Dr Vandana R Singh
@RSFoundation20 · 4:47

Music Musings - Is there anyone who doesn’t like music?

But regardless of the purpose, music has the very remarkable ability to evoke emotions and to create a sense of unity and, of course, balance. I think the reason for its appeal is that music is a universal language that transcends words. It can communicate emotions and ideas in ways that perhaps words cannot or words by themselves cannot. Music can uplift, it can inspire, even heal or work the other way around. It could actually make you sad

#musicmusings #music #rhythm #indian ragas

Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 2:20


I have heard of someone, I don't really know them, but someone who knows someone, that type of a person who detests music, and the reason behind that was something that wasn't avoidable. So maybe there are people who have not been coded to like music. I feel bad for them. Maybe because music is wonderful. Whether you understand the language at play or not, music, face, expressions these are things you will at least understand the mood of it all
Malaika Mendes
@Ragafari · 2:08
And angels are so perhaps that's the language of the spirits, of the spiritual. I don't know. But humans, certainly it has been proven that worldwide, every culture, music is a part of human culture. Perhaps it's something that is wired or coded into the human DNA. I don't know. But every culture expresses themselves, right, with not just language or cuisine or artwork, paintings, drawings, culture, whatever, but also music
Moinak Dutta
@Moinak_Dutta · 4:05
Like it might be your car, it might be the train, it might be the bus, it might be the auto rickshaw or whatever. But even if you are sitting in your car when the car is idling, you must have heard. Heard that, you know, come, come, come. That's also a rhythm. And that rhythm forms a part of a music which is the cacophony of life
