Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:26

Rooster After Dark: Pre-Show 03/26/2024

And I've been in this dog and pony show for a long, long time and I'm not into the idea of being an influencer as I have stated many times on the swellcast and on the Rooster Collins show. So that's what you expect. You need to step off, bro, because we are going to get creepy after dark. You know what I'm talking about? So that's where you are. That's where we're going. That's where we've been

Come drop some comments! #TheRoosterCollinsShow #LiveToTape #LateNight #Comedy

Darrain …
@TheBriefOne · 0:29
Wagwa. What's up? It's a brief one. I'm just coming to show support. A much love, man. It's a late night or early morning for me because I'm be up all day. But hey man, I'm here. Whatever happens, happens. I'll try to participate as much as I can. Hope everyone else comes through, man. I hope the live boots up. I'm in a similar situation too. So. So. Hey, we
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:25


It. All right, brother. This is me on my headphones. Drop it in. I'm taking a break. It's currently 130. Like I said, that's one segment I got, like I finished up. I have my show notes that I'm going to dive into. I've been shooting promos
Darrain …
@TheBriefOne · 1:54
Yeah. All right. I'll make it quick, cuz I love hip hop. Deedee and the search for the lost tapes. And the lost tapes are kind of being searched for right now. Like Tony Hawks, pro skater lost tapes. Okay, but all I'm gonna say is this really briefly
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 3:47


Alright, so, yeah, I didn't cover. I didn't cover the p. Diddy stuff like I wanted to. I'm glad that you brought this all to my attention. I need to. I need to talk to you about this, because you, you could fill in the gaps for me hip hop wise, because you're talking about lost tapes that I don't know about. Explain that to me. I need to investigate that
Sean GTR Harrold
@SeanGTRHarrold · 4:47
But, yeah, I fixed my algorithms on Snapchat it on Instagram, Facebook, all my platforms. Anyway, that's just some free advice for you, brother Collins. Thanks for having me on. Have a great one. Peace
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 5:00


The guy that did all those things to him was on all that, and he was doing that to other kids. And I grew up watching that show, all that and SNL, and I wanted to do that when I was a kid. So it was an aspiration of mine. And there's just this whole backstory of these kids that auditioned or applied for positions on this show, actually went and auditioned, actually spent time with these creeps and were assaulted that had no recourse
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 5:00


But then now I follow you on Twitter. What I will say is that I haven't done nothing to my algorithm. Do not look at what I like on Twitter. It has been the same since I've had the thing. I might have changed a couple of things on Twitter. Facebook. Yeah, I haven't really changed anything. Or I still like crap like my Twitter
Sean GTR Harrold
@SeanGTRHarrold · 2:00


I just, you know, it just kept escaping my mind a little bit. But, yeah, I followed you on Twitter, and that way you can keep up. I don't really post too much on the feed. I did post a new clip of my store where I work to give you, like, a. Like, an updated view from my perspective on how our store looks. Our store is officially, is going to be 30 years old in the making in November
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:28


I'm trying to learn how to play the drums. That's it. I was thinking about going and working at musicians friend here in Oregon, but I'm trying to get settled. Like, I need to, like, get my rent and everything squared away, and then I could go work a job like that and just. It's too much work to be done. I only just need to
Darrain …
@TheBriefOne · 0:49
So you looking for lost tapes, quote unquote lost tapes, as in the people who he has worked with, who he must get paid for working with, who was Diddy as an executive producer. I won't go any further because it's really touchy, but just know it's an after dark subject for sure
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 2:02


He took away two of the greats. Honestly, I think at the end of the day, you're going to find out Suge had his own thing in it. But this violence and stuff, man, it took a lot of people away from man, away from us. Not just in rap. Drugs is taking people away from music, film, television. The devil's just got his hand just gripping on people's throats and just pulling them down, you know what I'm saying?
Dare Strickland
@DareD2 · 5:00

Checking back in as SOMEWHERE 2 to Rooster🐓 for congrats.

But the more you put yourself down, the less confidence you're going to have. Get in there and act like you know what you're doing. Whether you do or not, you got to fake things. Believe me, son, I am a woman. And I know I have a lot to say. I've been on. I was on radio for a while doing writing comical commercials that were original for places in Ada, Oklahoma. And they would even request them, they were so unusual
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 0:51


Daddy too. I, yeah, you were just on the list of people to invite. I'm glad that I invited you. I'm glad that it drew you back to swell. I am excited to hear more about your radio career and also, yeah, I would love to if I find something and I need a voice, a voice of a woman such as yourself, which, by the way, you have a lovely voice
