Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 3:32

🤫Free Saturday!🤫

And like I said weeks ago, I'm trying to write a damn book and these kids have been yelling, rattling my brains, making it very difficult to prosper in the creative field that I have been fostered into. So now they're gone, they're going to have a good time. I'm going to lay it in hard and thick because I am well rested, fired up, and this conversation stuff keeps the juices going

It’s going to get weird. #nokids #letyourfreakflagfly #fire #live #cominginHOT #YERBA 🇦🇷

Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8 · 0:31

Not mad, just busy 👍🏾 #life #busy #working

You not mad, sir? Just busy. As. As you may see from the other platforms that you're connected to me on, you know, I'm constantly creating content, just not. Just. Not always on this platform. So I stay busy. I'm very jamaican. I've had three jobs since I was 14, and I've only increased that number as I've gotten older. So if I'm not on or
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 2:25

Ain’t no thang. 👑@DressingRoom8

But what I'm telling you, when you start doing road trips, when you're taking little trips with your family, it's a wonderful time and it's beautiful. And I can't wait till you can do that, my friend. And then maybe one day we can get together kids could play together. We could be in Honduras. We could be drinking wine. We could be in the British Virgin Islands. It doesn't matter what it is. I think you're terrific
