Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:59

Room 218: The Help Room #PhotoStory | A photo I am proud of...

It's just a bag for people. It's got a bunch of toiletries, a holy bible, and some clothes in it, so that if I need to leave, I can. Because I am almost to the point of homelessness, everybody. And it's not a good place to be. But as long as I still have the money to make it happen, or the will, or the effort, if I don't need that bag, I'll give it to somebody for free

A lesson on helping the unhelpable. How do you help when someone is too proud to ask? #TellYourStory #sppphotosp2 #photo #Dadlife #ConLife #Mike

Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 4:35

Justice impacted re entry.

Yeah. We have one in our organization called Lead for Life, and they're doing a great amount of case management services, helping with housing and food and clothing and family and transportation and workforce development. Yeah. Check in with your american job center workforce development folks as well. I'm here if you want to chat. You can also hit me up on the private message if you'd like. Have a great day and hang in there
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 3:29
But through times of severe challenge I've faced in life, I've just remembered sunlight, sleep and food and don't fall behind on any one of those, and it'll help keep you at a higher baseline. So if you're having a hard time sleeping in long periods of time, maybe just take more naps or, you know, if you're having a hard time eating a full meal, then eat more snacks. Same principle
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 5:00


And I was surrounded by people that I thought could see that. They could see that. Based on my resume of working for the show that I worked on, that traveled around the world and helped people, that was my milieu. That was my forte. That was how I sustained life. But I found myself in a situation where the people that I care about most no longer believe that. In fact, that they think that I have turned to the dark side for some reason
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:59


But my friend here, his name is Rick. He is here to adopt his 14 year old grandson, his 14 year old grandson, who was abused since he was three years old, who has a violent, violent temper, just like Rooster Collins violent temper. At twelve years old, he kicked a police officer in the face and broke his teeth. But keeping in mind that his stepfather started abusing him when he was three, you're like, all right, I like this kid
