Romie herself
@Romiesays · 4:54

Movie Scoring: Dandelion

And what I write tends to be either funny or like pretty dark, neither of which is appropriate for the scene. So it's been a real challenge to write music in that style. For me, I've had to really learn a lot, just even about how to manipulate sound to give it that kind of ambient fuzz. And my first attempt back in September, I liked a lot, but it went really dark wave in a way that does not work against picture

#musicalarrangement #stopwalk #dandelion #ambient #darkwave #hayseedsandscalawags

faith s
@fas · 1:37

#4amSwell #artbyfriends #films

I'm sort of up because I'm a bit anxious. I had an interview today for an accelerator in Los Angeles and I've been a bit antsy all week knowing it's coming because I've been planning on moving to Los Angeles for a very long time. And just the idea that it's within reach and I guess it's the whole feeling of whether I deserve it
