Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 3:24

Multi-purpose vs. single-purpose apps - who wins?

Everyone uses it so they can be very useful as a way of being and staying connected online. It's definitely easier to share your Twitter or your Instagram handle, but maybe it's not necessarily better because I find myself using these platforms in a much more mindless way than I do with these specific apps where I know what I'm coming in to do, I do it, it's done. I'm not getting too distracted or getting too sucked in. We can stay sort of on topic

I gotta #AskSwell what do y’all think? #digitalwellness #socialmedia

Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 4:04
And so I start to look at apps now in terms of what I'm going to intellectually get out of it. And I also think that Facebook has gotten a little bit like even though I know that they post articles and news articles and some of the stuff I do enjoy reading, I also found there to be this tendency toward inciting argument and drama in the comments. And I know that the news in general has gotten like that over the past ten years where it's gotten to be very debate oriented
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 2:13


And you make an interesting point about debate because I think that debate is good, discussion is great, but not everything has to be that also. And I don't want everything to be debate. So, yeah, that's also something I need to develop a little further. I need to think about that a bit more. But yeah, so much food for thought in your response, and I thank you for it
