Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:55

Interviewing Janet Kadow! #InterviewAFriendWeek

So it's interview a friend week on Swell, and I'm loving the partner hashtag that's popped up. Hashtag interview Me, where people offer themselves to be interviewed. And I love that. So Janet Cato used the hashtag and this is how he found her. So. Hello, Janet. We're friends now. That's how it works with these hashtags. And, yeah, you say you work with the metaphysical and angels and esoteric practices

Found @JanetKadow through #InterviewMe for #InterviewAFriendWeek ! Excited for this one!

Janet Kadow
@JanetKadow · 2:36


Hello, this is in response to RO's question on Interview of Friend Week. I am Janet Cato and I am a spiritual teacher. And she asked how long I've been on the journey or sorry, she asked what started me out on the spiritual journey, and I can measure that by the age of my son, who's 25 right now. And soon after he was born, I was invited to an equinox ritual ceremony from my Wiccanned friend
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:52


I know that this might be, like, a lot to to unpack in just, you know, five minutes, and we definitely don't have to, but I'd love to hear more about, like, spirit guides and and did you get started on some was it literature? Did somebody teach you about it? Is it something that you discover within yourself? It's so unknown to me, and I would love to know, sort of like, how does one come to learn about these things?
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Janet Kadow
@JanetKadow · 2:41
Everybody has a connection to God or divinity or spirit or however you want to, however that works for you. And it's been an incredible journey. I've been doing that for probably channeling for about 20 years. So, anyway, that's kind of how it started. And the guideline I worked was Opening to Channel, and you could find it on Amazon. I can't remember the name of the sorry, I can't remember the name of the author
