Belle 🍕
@ReySkywalker · 2:05

I can’t drive because of anxiety...

I feel like 1001 things can go wrong because I'm someone who can be kind of absent minded. And I feel like on the road, there is no room to be absent minded in any way. And I think it's really impressive how the majority of people in life can just so easily pick up driving and not have any anxiety about it

#sdp24Apr3 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @dbpardes

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:34
And I'm sure it would be helpful. Sure. It's always helpful to have, you know, certain freedoms. But it sounds to me if you can get by a couple years without needing to drive, then. Then why risk it? It's just expensive. It's expensive to buy a car, maintain a car. Gas is expensive. And then if you get in a car accident, it's just more expensive. So maybe, you know, maybe driving is not for everybody
@homosanity · 4:35
You do not have to be on anxious and high alert the whole time. The things you have to watch for is just, you know, when you're turning or switching lanes and you're occasionally aware of your speed, that's pretty much it. Once you have the balance of that steering wheel, you're good. So I believe that you can do it if you want to. You know, you just practice your breathing. But the root of your anxiety really isn't about the driving
Belle 🍕
@ReySkywalker · 0:47
Hey, dobstie. I appreciate your optimistic attitude, and I. I am fond of your support. I know that eventually I do want to be able to drive myself. So it is something that I want to work towards, but it's also something that I never feel ready for. But I will. I will try. It's just gonna. I think it's gonna take a lot of work. Not work. And, like, maybe not so much driving practice, maybe. Well
Belle 🍕
@ReySkywalker · 2:22


I think it stems from my fear of that, my fear of making mistakes. Because I know that a mistake when you're driving can cost your life or the life of somebody else or damage a car and, you know, lose a ton of money. And it is like every time I get in the car, I'm risking so many things. By simply living, I'm risking so many things. So I'm always anxious. Well, something along those lines
@homosanity · 4:59


I read it every summer, and it's by a lady, sherry Huber. She has a whole bunch of books, but it's c h e r I, Huber. Huber. And it's called there's nothing wrong with you. And it's written in a very easy, almost like childlike way with pictures and things. It's kind of a little goofy, but it's really good
