Those Left Behind

Turn lemon invent, eliminate, they say, as they picked up the ways of their perpetrators, suppressed our desires to fly away, each generation gradually forgot how to even fly. The separation into a false sense of wholeness is normalized. Lost is the once unified identity of the flock. For these birds are satisfied with only learning to walk

#blackculture #poetry #poetofcolor #blackpoetry #poem #poems #society #culture #economics #family #selfdiscovery #selflove #community #blackcommunity

Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 0:22
This was so beautiful. So well thought out and so intricate. Like, I had to read it a few times over and just be like, wow. Like, she's really hitting on a lot of stuff here in a very short time. In a very, you know, detailed yeah, like I said before, intricate way. Thank you so much for sharing your work and your art


Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to my work. I really appreciate it, and I'm glad that that was something you enjoyed. So thank you so much
