Ranjit Monga
@Ranjitse · 2:43

How I found the Swell app and how I want to use it...

I recently started podcasting, and I always found the radio or the audio media as one of the most interesting. As I had worked in the BBC radio many, many years back, and having been in the media and having worked in all different types of media, I found the audio media or the radio media the most interesting. And I started podcasting last year, and I found it very satisfying. And then I found this app, and now I'm a member here

#s21nbpv2p6 #WelcomePrompts #TellYourStory @arish

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:09
Welcome aboard and welcome to the swell family. Hope to hear a lot from you. Have a lovely weekend. Bye
