Rakesh Kumar
@RakeshKumar2023 · 4:59

Have company of Nature

Do cycling, do walking, go in park, go near farmhouses and just feel the nature. Enjoy the company of nature. So this is so amazing. Nothing can be so wonderful as this experience is. And far away from the worldly things, worldly people, all the hectic schedules of life, all kind of botherations you can leave behind. And you can spend some time with yourself. And that is the most important thing. People are doing everything. They are giving time to everything


Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:13
Hi Rakesh. This well is really awesome because I do agree. Nature has a power to heal you. Nature has a power to support you. Nature has a power to rejuvenate you. So the moment you start connecting yourself with nature and having the company of nature, you will realize the essence of nature. Nature can create miracles. And the moment you start feeling your connection with nature, you'll realize how wonderful that experience would be
