Prabha Iyer
@PSPV · 4:04


This is the scenario of many younger generation today. So I have written a small poetry wanted to share with you. I have to reach the perfection. I am often told what is the limit of perfection? What is perfection? First of all, can any of you clearly mention everywhere, every time? I am always controlled. But on the contrary, they asked me to be bold. For what?

#swellcast #voiceoverpoets #poetsofswell #collegevoiceindia #control #freedom #belief #trust #notalwaysneedtobenested #capabilityofself #confidence

@Rohit_raj_0001 · 1:56
Hello, ma'am here, ma'am, you have raised a very good issue here. This is the serious concern in today in modern fast moving era, everywhere, literally everywhere, parents are expecting their child to follow what they want to do, not to follow what a child wants to do. So it is seriously annoying and irritating for a child that he can't follow his own dreams, he can't follow his passion, he can't fulfill what he wants to do
Prabha Iyer
@PSPV · 2:10
And their mentality, their psychology everything will get affected. And they in turn will do the same thing to the next generation. So leave it. Stop it. Leave them and they'll come back to you in a better way successfully thank you so much Rahit
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Shrawani Shravs
@castleofnovels · 1:38

#whispersofverse #manners #swellpoetsindia #collegevoiceindia

They just need to be freedom like leave them to do what they want in their life, what they can do in their life. They just don't need any pressure type things. Anyone either. It can be family or society or from NEA anyway. They just need to know what their heart says and what they want. Thank you for sharing this wonderful theme. Hoping to get more themes like this from you Ma'am
Avantika Rabgotra
@avantika202 · 2:24
We should provide freedom so that the child can explore themselves, he can come up with new ideas, imagination, their own creative ideas. But if he keep suppressing the child, keep punishing the child, so it will automatically affect his or her mentality, one can go into depression. 1 may have lower self esteem. The child will not able to count on his strengths, he will count on his weaknesses more. So, I think you have explained very well. So thank you everyone
Prabha Iyer
@PSPV · 0:10


Sure, ma'am. Thank you so much for your wonderful reply. I will definitely keep posting more about good things. Thank you so much
Prabha Iyer
@PSPV · 1:21


So this generation has all the information in gifi and when they are coming out with their views and ideas, it is always good to appreciate and encourage them so that they don't feel inferior or they don't be introvert. So inferiority complex and psychological problem also develops when they are controlled and they are not given a chance to prove their calibrate. It is really a Christian mark. They feel that they are degraded and demarked which should not happen
Srija Sadhukhan
@Srijasadhukhan · 1:39

#srijasadhukhan #collegevoiceindia #poetsofswell #swellcast

If we are enough confident about whatever we are doing then no one has that ability to judge you. Yeah, definitely. If we are doing something wrong then genuinely people will have the access to say like you are doing this wrong, you can't do it, that's okay. But no one can control anyone. It's in your thought. It's genuinely the thinking process when you are not confident about what you are doing if you are confident enough, then there is no question of asking
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:32
So one can actually relate this to their own life. One can actually understand what they feel, what they get through it, through your words. So it was really like open book kind of thing. And it really made me also feel like if I am in that situation, how do I react? So it's really relatable to everyone, everyone's life. And as you said, they always feel that why they are being controlled instead of controlling them
