Prabha Iyer
@PSPV · 5:00


We don't want ourselves to be questioned by that. But we will definitely point out people who are not practicing what we are thinking as true. Just blindly believing. What I say is find a logic behind it. If it is really true, if it is for the sake of good to the society and people, let it be okay. I am not biasing people who are believing or being superstitions. I am not against them. But everything has a reason

#swellcast #voiceoverpoets #poetsofswell #collegevoiceindia #superstition #beliefsandhappenings #blindtrust #irrationalpractices #unwantedaddiction

Avantika Rabgotra
@avantika202 · 1:24

#collegevoiceofindia #swellcast #poeticpath

Hello Prabha. I hope you are fine. So you have chosen a very current and very burning topic, superstition. So I think superstitions, they still exist in our country and they are present in every society and still most of the people, they still practice various superstitions. As you have talked about the cat who crosses next, you have talked about the video. So I think still the people's mind is not broadened up. Still there is very closed type of thinking which people practice
Shrawani Shravs
@castleofnovels · 1:41

#superstitious #socialnorms #swellpoets #poetswellindia collegevoiceindia

I really liked this team. And I personally, I wanted to do one poetry acting on this team as well. So as today, I have got a chance to reply for this. So here it is. I don't care. I don't care about your beliefs and I don't care about your timings, et cetera. All I believe is in humanity and humanism. Let me keep alive that your humanity and humanism. Let me be that kind person who helps in one another in need
Prabha Iyer
@PSPV · 0:24


This is really an alarming topic, and that's the reason I just wanted to speak upon. Thank you so much for your inputs. Yes. Still, people are existing without knowledge, and they don't want to come out of that. Let's see what the future generation has in store for us. Thank you so much for your reply
Prabha Iyer
@PSPV · 0:23


Hello. That was a wonderful narration of a poetry by you in connection to the topic. Yes. Let me leave what I want to. Don't indulge me or force me to your needs. That was a very good interpretation. Thank you so much for your reply
Renu Mangtani
@Rainu · 1:07

#collegevoiceindia #swellcast #poetsofswell #superstitions #stop #them

Hello Prabha good evening it's a really wonderful topic that you have chosen like the superstitions so yes there are still people who say that don't give money on this day and that day this will be a good day for get loans clearly what kind of superstitions people believe this? I also don't understand understand that and the very frequently that you have mentioned on the points are really beautiful
Prabha Iyer
@PSPV · 0:20


Thank you so much Ma'am for your beautiful reply and accepting that now still superstitious beliefs are practiced and it has to be ignored as and more we grow up we have to be more vigilant and practical thank you so much for your sweet words
Preshti 57
@Preshtifeels · 1:29

#swellcast #poetsofswell

So I think if we think about this point, which I said it could come out of Superstition if we try our best, and I don't think so. What's the main motive of believing this Superstition? It's just like something time raised or someone believed that they thought if the Black Cat crosses the road and the next movement, someone died over there. So I think Superstition came that something had happened, but it happened without knowing
Srija Sadhukhan
@Srijasadhukhan · 1:20

#swellcast #srijasadhukhan #poetsofswell #collegevoiceindia

Like superstitions could not be entertained anyhow and it's very lovely that you came up with this topic and you talk about this topic. It's a much needed one to talk like people say no, I am so science free, can I believe on technology and all this doesn't exist but at the same time they're believing or superstitious like no, if you do this, this will happen. No, you can't do that. So you should not believe in that
Prabha Iyer
@PSPV · 0:05


Thank you, Srija. That was a wonderful reply. Have a nice day
Utkarsh Ahuja
@iits_utkarshh · 3:19
Moreover, I have seen many houses, many shops where a strange face termed copri or booth are hanged so that we can get protected from the evils or the evil powers. And the same thing applies for the lemon and green chili which are mostly hanged on shops since this has become very less in urban areas. But still, how a lemon, green chili or some ghostly faces can protect you from evils, evil powers. All the superstitions I think are illogical
Prabha Iyer
@PSPV · 2:58
Dr. Kuboling actually Mujay hasini gusaat or baraba jaybadeka pani madhu as mujah lagranaki manaphness will make a mujibatla I feel absurd when will we really achieve freedom from all this? Have we really achieved freedom? We are free from the slavery junk but not free from the superstitious belief. Thank you so much
