Kristine Phan
@productchibi · 0:38

Productivity/Career Transition/Remote Working in SF (an Intro)

Hey, guys. My name's Christine. Aka product Chibi. I'm super excited to bring content over to the Swell app. I primarily make content around productivity romanticizing, my career remote working life keyboards and previously my career transition from digital marketing to product management and tech. I now live in San Francisco Bay Area, California, and I've officially made it into Tech this year as a PM for an early stage venture studio

Hi guys! Welcome to my Swell, where you’ll hear about my career, productivity tips, remote working life and everything inbetween 👩🏻‍💻

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:39

#productivity #passion #business

Hey, Christine. Sounds like an amazing journey you're on. And it's kind of leading, you know, 1ft after the other into these beautiful places. I trust that it's been magical, and I can't wait to hear more about it since you selected the Ask Question button. And I would love to ask, where did you move to the Bay Area from, and how are you liking your transition in the Bay Area already?
Kristine Phan
@productchibi · 0:57

@dobbsty SF is beautiful 😌

Hey. Yeah. The Bay Area is definitely controversial nowadays, and I think naturally so. I originally came from Southern California, and it's pretty different in culture if not in lifestyle. Bay Area was not always the way that it is now. Don't get me wrong though. I still think the Bay Area is beautiful, but a core part of it has now become somewhat of a skid row
