Nature Girl
@PrettyGirlSquad · 5:00

Deconstructing Personal Stories Recognize Thoughts #ThinkWell

And so what I'd like to challenge each of us to do is to be quick to make up our own stories, but to be slow in making up stories about others. So if I tell myself that I'm going to be on the Golden State warriors and I'm going to be the first person like me to be on the Golden State team, I can tell that story to myself

Story about seeing someone & imagining what else 👉🏽 on our own insight Explanations we give ourselves can make a huge #difference in 🌍ur world ☮️

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:11
I really, I really like this idea. I think, yeah, when we avoid making up stories about, about other people, you have to meet them in the present. You interact with the whole of them with their complete self if you're, if you're being present
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 5:00

We twll ourselves stories. Tell yourselves Good ones. Why Not.

So before you make up stories, we are going to have a conversation. We're going to do a curiosity flex. We're going to ask those questions. Why don't you like me? How about that? That's such a simple question. And it saves us a lot of time because one, the answer will always give you feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions
