Pragati Chopra
@Pragati.chopra · 2:29

Start your morning with my good vibes 💝

So, in my last night's audio, we shared about the role of healing in our lives. Where we return to ourselves and our natural state of well being. Where our mind, body and souls are aligned. Today, why don't we dive into a topic that is all about you. Healing you. You have the power within you to mend the emotional wounds, to find balance and personal growth. Isn't this sound fascinating? Right?

#goodvibes #morningmuse #selfhealing #swellaudio #pragatichopra #podcast #shareandlearn

Masha Rooh
@Ba-Dastoor · 4:41

Healing Yourself is Important. We all must find our IKIGAI. Celebrate each day with your people and new people you meet. Have long & happy life

Of course it is important to have goals in life which you have to achieve, which includes achieving a designation, achieving a business goal, achieving money, achieving good education and money and power for your kids and so on. But we must not forget our roots and try to cherish those small moments with everyone around, including your family, your friends, your new acquaintances. Celebrate each day, small events, big event. Just try to find happiness is what is about healing
Pragati Chopra
@Pragati.chopra · 1:32


You. Thank you, Masha for your wonderful insight about ikigai and healing. I remember reading this book Ikigai last year as suggested by my sister, and since then I have been trying to follow this Japanese concept of ikigai to a very large extent. I have been following my life's purpose since then, as you very well shared that if we live a life aligned with our Ikiga eye, it can contribute to an overall well being and healing on multiple levels
