Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 3:33

Don’t be a character in your own life.

And if I'm trying to be like John next to me and John's trying to be like Mary over there, then who is going to fulfill the roles of the original PK, Santa Me, John and Mary. If we're trying to be other people, so that's it. That's what I'm thinking about. And that's what I sort of wanted to offer

#feelgood #autheticyou #youareenough

Yoshi Silverstein
@yoshimatzah · 4:40

From main character to supporting character?

You're holding your phone, you're sort of half awake. You're sort of like, oh, maybe the light of the phone will help me wake up. And so there are many mornings when that's what ends up happening
Enfinit Evolushun
@Enfinit · 2:46
That's what my buddy Fire Belly Bella says. Yeah, it's all about being authentic. It's all about being the person behind the stage instead of the person on the stage. Definitely. We often get drowned in today's society as these phony m************. I'm sorry. It's a lot of phoniness. It's a lot of commercialism. And one of the biggest things I've seen is that commercialism in every category
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 1:42
Hello. Hello, infinite. Thank you so much for your response. Thank you for dropping in and dropping knowledge. I do agree with you. It is a lot of phony mofos in the world, but what that made me think, think of immediately after I heard you say that is also like, how many people are just afraid, right? I don't think inauthenticity is always intentional

Authenticity: a violently necessary process of transformation.

Some people learn the hard way some people get it easier, that kind of thing. But authenticity is hard. It really requires a lot of courage and a lot of support. So when we ask other beings of light to raise their vibration, that's a very violent request that we have to acknowledge it's necessary. But it's violent because it's violent towards their already lower vibration of understanding. Transformation is not fun or easy to transform into an authentic person or an authentic life, an authentic being
