DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4lifeΒ Β·Β 2:29


Who flies when you roar all your desire? It's my passion that is heard your voice is loud as thunder I don't have to say a word? When you hunt, I feel your hunger? When you eat, I taste your kill when you're sleeping, I'm at peace. My world is quiet, soft and still you're a master of your rage but a protector of the small and when I hear those cries of hurt you answer every call your lair

#shadowwork #poetryheals #poetrydragon

I can't even quite describe my love for it. But your poem, this one in particular, I don't know. There's so many things to unwrap. I have questions. Like, I want to know the inspiration. Is this the inner part of you? Is this your protector? It sounds like so many things and even the interpretation
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4lifeΒ Β·Β 4:53


And so in me doing my shadow work, I discovered that my shadow, my dragon, my goddess, she's not something to be afraid of or to be. I don't know, I think that far too often, people believe the shadow is something bad, and they believe that the deepest desires that they have are wrong or make them somehow less than. But I believe that our deepest desires, our dreams, our inner magic is what makes us whole and beautiful


And I certainly feel that the connection that we have and the conversations that we could have could be just an ethereal, beautiful thing. Thank you for talking to me a bit more about your work. Again, it is just beautiful. But I am so appreciative of the response and the answer. It just unlocks something for me. I appreciate you. Thank you. Have a beautiful day and I am totally looking forward to, like, probably everything and anything else that you write
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4lifeΒ Β·Β 2:44


It is such an amazing process when you feel your life force shifting and the universe is opening up to you in a different way. I feel like as artists, we get more of that than the normal person out here in society. We get more of that sense of connection to the all, to everything, to nature, the elements, to all of the things around us
Renee Slay
@Renee_SlayΒ Β·Β 0:10


Oh, my God. You embodied the whole dragon. The whole dragon. Not the one to fear. The one that's true. I love this piece. This is amazing. Thank you
Adenike Nana Esie
@nourishyouΒ Β·Β 1:10
You. This is a formidable reckoning. And I love this power, this sort of assurance, this fearsome, wild but contained kind of magic that you're honing. Yes. Something's going on. I think something has been released. Or you're doing some deep work, deep thinking and really channeling different parts of your essence. Just thinking about some of the poems you shared recently. I love this. Love the image, love the imagery
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4lifeΒ Β·Β 2:27


She is all of what makes me an artist and she is my fire. And so my shadow is my dragon. And there are other symbols as well that she embodies, but dragon is one of my major spirit animals. And so that's why I have been doing a lot of poetry like this. And I just am really fascinated and encouraged and inspired by her and the release of that energy and understanding myself in a deeper way
Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoelΒ Β·Β 3:56
And every part of me is special and beautiful and unique. And I just love it when I find another human that is able to let that out to the world in their own way. And you definitely do that. I just hope you know deep within you how beautiful you are, because your poetry shows me a piece of your soul, and I feel privileged to have experienced that. And I hope I get to continue
Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoelΒ Β·Β 4:57
I wanted to say something else. This poem just embodies your soul. I can see that. It is a poem of self work, of self love on the deepest, most intimate level of discovery of self. That's what I got out of it. I got out of this that you have obviously done some deep, deep work on you and who you are and embraced even the deepest, darkest parts of your being. Good, bad, ugly, whatever. It just embodies self love
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4lifeΒ Β·Β 4:52


But like you, I was told from the time I was a child, because I've been writing since I was four, I was told that it wasn't good enough, writing wasn't good enough, it wasn't going to make me any money, it wasn't prestigious, it wasn't smart enough. My poetry was dismissed and I always felt less than. I am a BBW, and I have been since I was young
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4lifeΒ Β·Β 4:23


I'm so honored to be a poet, and I'm so thankful that I was blessed with this gift, and I want to share it with as many people as I can. So I'm so glad that you are here. I'm so very glad and so very honored, and you are so special and so appreciated. And as to what you are asking me, yes, I am a published author
Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoelΒ Β·Β 4:56


But a lot of stuff is in different stages. But I wrote all these all these things and I had a publishing contract, which I do actually. But I want more control of what I have. I did not have the control of my cover. There was just some things I'd rather not mention here publicly. But I want to be able to control my art. So I'm thinking of self publishing
Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoelΒ Β·Β 4:55


I do have a small circle of people that do appreciate me for who I am, and I do them. And I think in a way, it's much deeper on a much deeper level than it ever has been before. It's just really a couple of people, and I'm so thankful for them in my life, however, I'm discovering more about me too. And that's why I love that dragon poem. It is just so beautiful. So beautiful
Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoelΒ Β·Β 5:00


She's just growing, and she's going into the next size. He goes, no, we're going to teach her a lesson. She needs to understand that no boy is going to want her and this will fit her. So he literally bought me boy jeans, which cut me down there that whole school year. It was in my hair. And I never forgot that. I never forgot that. And he would make me eat everything on my plate. And I get spanking, if spanking
Natasha Webb
@NatashaNoelΒ Β·Β 2:09


Just that I think people that have been through abusive situations I don't know if we choose a path before we come to this Earth, but I just wonder if we're just old souls that are just ready to learn more, to go to places that are hard and we don't realize that that's the path we've chose. I try to contemplate why did I have such a rough path in life?
