Phineas Ferb
@phineasferb · 5:00

Was the how i met your mother ending overhated??

It's been compared a lot of the TV show Friends, which I don't really understand because there are a lot of TV show gags, which they kind of have in similar. I think it's because of the creators. But then obviously with the show basis, I do not think that the two can be compared because how much your mother has a really big emotional element and aspect to it with a good storyline. Now, I'm not saying that it's better

#howimetyourmother #tvshows #popculture #hollywood #tv

J Wang
@jsmwang · 1:08
Hey, I'm not like, a huge follower of How I Met Your Mother, but I am aware of people really hating the ending and kind of like hearing what you said about what happens in the film and, like, kind of like the a justification for how the ending ended, how it did, and how it's, like, very similar to how things work out in life, especially in love
Tanya Mahajan
@Tanya30 · 1:34
I think it was not justified ending. But now after listening to yours, I just feel that there might be some connection that they wanted to show, but many people were not able to understand, just like me. And there are many people who are hating the ending and all things, but listening to your justification and explanation of the whole story and how the ending is and how we should perceive it, I think that my mind has changed about the ending
Adam Paul
@AdamPaul · 0:32
Okay. Phane is ferb. I don't know you. My name is Adam Paul, and I was in Harry. Met your mother. I played The Naked Man. And I'm so glad you brought this up. I don't have an opinion about it, but you clearly are a superfan with a lot of passionate ideas, and I can't wait to hear how this conversation evolves. Good for you
