Jennifer Besa
@PhillyJen · 1:41

Dinner With a Jazz Legend

This prompt instantly brought to mind the time I not only met, but ended up having dinner with Bobby McFerrin, and I didn't recognize him despite his being a jazz legend. In my defense, I'd been having a really hard week, so I was very distracted. I sat down at a bar in a restaurant next to him and his wife. They struck up a conversation with me, and they were the nicest people. We bonded over our love of the tv show, the Good Wife

#TellYourStory #SwellPrompt | I'll never forget the day I met...

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:46
And, yeah, I bet it is very refreshing to just have a, quote, unquote, normal interaction when you also move in these very kind of elite circles. But so cool. Yeah. Thank you for sharing
