J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 4:57

#newmusic Skrillex with Nai Barghouti -Xena

We don't want to trap them in a cage and be like, hey, you can only do metal core. Hey, you can only do pop. You can only do rap. No. Or else we wouldn't get great bands like Falling In Reverse and Brodney, who just implies everything that he can. But man, Scrillets, I am so excited to hear this new album. I'm definitely going to have to get out to Vegas and go see you

#newmusic https://youtu.be/gBJ37ES-qNk #music #skrillex https://open.spotify.com/episode/3B9poRxlsmcMXCvI1AWtFP?si=9S6WmsXMROWikgvxfSd8_g

Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:22
I loved From First to Last when I was growing up, definitely that more hardcore side of him, but it was nice because I felt like some of his dubstep back in 2011, Twelve was just a little bit too much for me. Like, I liked it and it was good party music, but it wasn't something that I was going to throw on in my spare time and that's something that I'm finding myself doing a lot with these new songs
J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 4:37


What bands did you play in? I don't know the guys from Volumes. But yeah, they're pretty big. We played shows to see who was getting big at the time. Spiked spike is pretty big. We played a few shows with them. Let's see. Yeah, around the Valley area is where we played. I've probably been in the middle scene since like 2010 with my first band. I desured it. Empire. Big bands at that time was like your heroes a villain
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:48


It's funny, I found myself once at a dinner at a Sushi restaurant with about six or seven other people, and I just happened to be there because one of my buddies is a guitar player and we had been hanging out that night before the show and he got invited to a dinner. So it was like, oh, can my my friend tag along? And sure enough, Toson was at that dinner
J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 4:45


Escalante was headlining, but yeah, I was chilling there with a bandmate from another band, and he came out, and he knew him, and he was, like, really hungry, and he was like, man, I really want to eat before the show. And I was like, all right, let's go get subway. Yeah, that was, like, one of the coolest, random things until I started touring. And then you see these guys a little bit more
