peabody etc
@PeabodyEtc · 4:31

The Ballad od the Bathroom Cockroach

You. If a bug gets in our house, it's my responsibility. It's something everybody in the house just needs. The two dogs and the cat. They'll all just turn and look. If my wife sees a bug in the house and I'm not there, she just, like, puts a cup or a glass over the top. That way, when I get home, I get to deal with an angry scorpion

#comedy #peabody #marriage

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:22
Be, buddy. That's a crazy, crazy story. Epic. I was really hoping that there'd be a solution in the sense of, like, you got away with it, but the ending is almost more perfect than getting away with it. It's kind of simply beautiful that you're all sitting there in that moment and was just like the oh, shit. Moment, I guess. But nonetheless, thanks for sharing
