Parul Kesari
@parulkesari7 · 1:46


You need to prepare your mind if you have any health issues you need to prepare your mind that you will be back to life and be healthy and that way we our body would respond to medicines so it has to be first your mind, then your routine, then your eating habits and more towards exercise or yoga and then the medicines will help you to overcome your illness. What is your take about the medicines and the living the healthy life

#healthyLife #lifemantra

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 1:33
And other than that, I believe staying healthy is also very much a matter of choice. You need to consciously choose every day to eat healthy, to stay fit, to exercise, to, you know, regulate your own sleep schedule. So, yeah, ultimately it all depends on us to a great extent
