Marque LaMar
@overlythematic · 2:35

The Harold of Galactus

But if there was one character at the top of my list who I want to return or see be introduced into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it is Noren Rad and the Silver Surfer. Who are or who is a character that you're looking forward to seeing?

#reelswell #Marvel #MCU #comics #movies

Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:02
And I know he didn't want to talk about the film, but I have to say something about it. I actually really liked Doug Jones's portrayal of the Silver Surfer, but I thought that the way that they used him in the film was poor. And, of course, the way that Galactus was used in the film was ten times worse
Marque LaMar
@overlythematic · 2:06


So hopefully, once we see him introduced into the cinematic universe, he can be given the proper introduction, the proper representation, because, as we both have said, he's such an interesting character. His motivations, his drive. And though that sacrifice is just so inspiring, I think is the word that I want to use. It's such a noble thing that he chose, and I really want to see if they can bring that to life for us on screen
