Donnie Lansdale
@OnceuponaDon · 4:41

My Vault

When my father told me my mother had passed, I hollered like I could shout death down in a way, scare it back into the shadows, beat it down with the only power I have. Words. When my sister called last year and whispered that her husband had fallen asleep and never woke, I hollered again, screamed. Really, it's involuntary. When my friend told me that before long he won't be, I cried out, no, no

The loss of my friend

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:34
What a beautiful and moving tribute to your vault, to your friend, to this friendship that you've had to this whole life that you've shared. It's so beautiful. And it was. Yeah, I teared up a little bit. It was just wonderfully written and so, so felt. You're clearly. Words are your power, even when they feel powerless. Yeah. Thank you so much for sharing. I really loved this
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:44


Donnie. I so agree with Ro. I share her sentiments. And also, I want to thank you for sharing your words with your voice. The combination is extraordinary. Such pathos. All we could do is be human together and share those incredible moments when we feel the gift and the weight at the same time. It's just braided together always. And we have to say, okay, I'm going to take it. Wow. Hoping your heart is feeling held. Yeah
Donnie Lansdale
@OnceuponaDon · 3:43
Each week I interview authors and we talk about their book, their journey, and how they might be able to give some tips to helping some of the younger writers out there that might be just starting out on their journey. So it's rewarding for me on both levels and I enjoy it. So the author's voice podcast is available on Buzzsprout and also on all the other podcast applications and and might invite you to check it out
Pritha Lal
@lifecoachPritha · 2:06
It's an empty consolation sometimes, especially when things are untimely consolation. Nonetheless, your friend is so very fortunate to know and will hear this, I'm sure, as you know, to know the beautiful tribute that you have paid, and you have inspired many of us to be better people with it. Thank you
Donnie Lansdale
@OnceuponaDon · 0:41


You. Thank you so much for your kind words and thoughts. And as a life coach, I'm sure you clearly understand that what is done is done and we move forward. We hold our heads up and try to make the best of a bad situation. So beautiful words from you as well, and I appreciate every one of them. And your kindness is taken with a large degree of just warmth and welcome. Thank you
Isoellen Writes
@Isoellen · 2:30


It is something that should be shared, often written from an older man to a younger man who has lost his friend and struggling. I actually created a piece of art on it and have since given that art away, but I've been thinking about reading it myself. But your voice is so much more suited to it. Let me know and maybe I could email that to you or something. I'm not sure how that would work, but I think it's something you could do justice
Donnie Lansdale
@OnceuponaDon · 1:56


And yet I feel that urge. I don't know what it is, a feeling inside that says, write this book. Write this story about your father and his relationship with Johnny Cash. And I have vivid memories of everything, so it seems like it would be fairly easy. So I started it tonight with the first chapter and the second chapter, and. I don't know, maybe
Donnie Lansdale
@OnceuponaDon · 0:58


You can send me your story at my website. Better yet, let me give you my email address. It's hawk Nest Studios. That's H-A-W-K-N-E-S-T studios at info. Info phone. Oh, gosh. It's like a couple of glasses of brandy and you kind of. So let's try it again. Okay. It's Hawknestudios And I would love to hear this. This is right up my alley. Enjoy this to thank you so much again. Okay, bye
Donnie Lansdale
@OnceuponaDon · 0:47


We're going to cover a lot of stuff over there, so it's a private message. So I hope you enjoy it, and I hope you bring yourself dressed or undressed. Either way. Okay. Thank you. Bye
