Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 15:00

#TheDailyAcorn - What Is The True Nature Of Commitment? Commitment is the enemy of resistance. #BeTheBeacon

Yeah, that is the commitment. And I just don't think that I can go through life half stepping and not being committed to the things that I choose to be committed to. People buy into the leader and then the vision. So I thought we would pull back a little bit. And we are looking into John Maxwell, 21. Indispensable qualities of a leader. And we are going to ask the question, what is the true nature of commitment?

Tbe world has never seen a great leader who lacked commitment.

Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 5:00
And it's one of the really important reasons why leaders are very selective with who they surround themselves with or who they have around them. And it can go to the extent of who they have around them. Have around them. Because while you can draw inspiration from certain things, certain things can also be a problem when you're in the role of leadership
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 3:18
You. Sorry. I'll make this one quick. The last one cut off. I ran out of time. But my point being, when you're in the role of leadership, commitment is probably like number two on the list of priorities. Because people will leave you. People will tell you that what you're doing is stupid. People will try to defeat you
