Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 7:17

#DailyAcorn - Working for an ineffective leader? Our Greatest limitation is the SPRIT within us!

We're leading from the middle, the back, the front, the sides, and the frustration challenges often why a lot of good people leave organizations. One of the things I find that is helpful is communication. Do your best to communicate always and in the moment. Follow up and recap so that we are clear about where we are, what our expectations are, and also document, because when you have an ineffective leader, you really need to document your journey

Overcoming Ineffective Leadership: The Power of A Positive Inner Spirit

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:33
Definitely helped to kind of anchor the teachings quite a bit. Definitely something to think about. I feel like I could definitely use some more leadership training. I feel like any leader could. I don't know that you get to a point where you're content or where you think you've just got it figured. Maybe there is a stage, I don't know, but I feel like in the stage I'm in, I could definitely use more of this
