Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 4:59

Lesson 7 Practice | A wish I have for this year...

I communicate with my team, my staff, my child, and the peacocks. Even so, communication has been my wish for the this year. And to be great, we have to communicate, and that's 2024. I've developed communicating power partnership strategies to hold each other accountable in that space. The communication piece, the one. But we're communicating to ourselves. And the stories that we tell ourselves is really the center of it. Be mindful of the stories that I tell myself

#PubSpeak101Lesson7 #PubSpeak101 #pubsp101L7p1 @dbpardes #publicspeaking

Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 4:54

Communication Style is all that is

So what's going on? That I'm feeling this way and I don't really like to talk about it now because I'm in a good space. All of the issues from the pain and the experience, I've learned so many great skills. One thing that came to the top is the communication piece. And there, the big takeaway is that we're communicating differently to different people
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 4:59

What do they need to hear. Smart Brevity

How did I communicate to these folks? What did I communicate to these folks? Communicating too much to them results in them, you know, sabotaging, what do they call that? Corporate sabotage. Internal sabotage, which is a mark of an individual, and it is the mark of integrity here. So core values here for me were, were challenged. The core, my core values were challenged. And luckily, my core values align with the organization that I'm with
