Demarkis Klan Destine
@OmegaStrange · 4:39

Do we really deserve privacy?

You do we deserve privacy in our own home? Do we? Do we even have privacy? And should we be in the power of having that, what, whatever you feel that's personal to yourself. I was listening to an interrogation video. These two couples get arrested for child pornography and child pornography and sexual assault against minors. And how they got caught was because Adobe, which is a Photoshop software, reported on them to the authorities
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:46
But in the broader span, me as a parent, right, my kids, I've foregone certain aspects of their privacy for their childhood to their infancy, has been chronicleized on social media, Instagram, and Facebook, to be exact, without their approval. So they can grow up to be know, actually wishing that I hadn't done such a thing. And it could be too late for me to erase that information, for it's been probably copied and redigitized on someone else's device or whatever
